If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time at your desk whether you’re working, gaming, or just chilling having the right tech accessories to make a world of difference is a top tier. I’ve built 5 setups in the last 2 years during this process I found a bunch of products that I find myself using over and over again so in this article I’m going to break down all the top 10 gaming setup accessories that I use for my desk.
Taking off the list at number one we’ve got:
Best Mice For Gaming Setup
Finalmouse ULX Pro Series

This has been the mouse of choice for a while now and honestly, I love it. I would not trade it for anything, I’ve used a bunch of mice I literally have a drawer full but for some reason, I still keep coming back to the ULX some of my favorite features about the mouse is that it is insanely lightweight at 32G which is literally like a paperweight it’s super light on top of that the battery life lasts a long time.
I’ve found myself rarely charging my mouse maybe once a week the version I use with my setup is the small one but they also sell a medium and a large but they are out of stock currently although the ULX is one of my favorites.
I do have Here are some other recommendations in case you want to buy something else and you’re looking in the market for two other recommendations are the Sora V2 or the Pulsar X2 v1 Mini the thing that these two mice have going for them is the shape size and price because they’re cheaper than the ULX.
They’re honestly up to bar, with it these three mice in total are my favorites and I kind of switch between them if like one dies and I need to collar it while gaming with friends I kind of interchangeably use them.
Best Keyboard For Gaming Setup
Moving on from mice let’s talk about my favorite keyboard:
Wooting 60HE
I’ve collected a bunch of keyboards over the years but the Wooting 60HE is the fastest keyboard I’ve ever played on and it’s not just some regular mechanical keyboard it features analog switches that allow you to adjust your actuation points for each key giving you ultimate control whether you’re gaming or working.
Another thing I like about the Wooting 6he is how compact it is. It’s a 60% keyboard and it gives you a ton of space on your mouse pad while playing games but it’s not optimal for productivity. So I actually have another keyboard that I use quite often, especially for productivity and that’s the EPOMAKER TH80 PRO V2.
I originally built this for a budget build video on TikTok, but honestly, I’ve been using it every day. I paid about $50 for the base kit and around $35 to $40 for the switches and keycaps. So it was about $90 for the keyboard in total, and honestly, that’s a steal for how much I use it and how productive I’ve been. It’s a 75% keyboard with hot-swap, south-facing RGB.
It does have a wireless function as well and on top of that, all the stabs are pre-lubed overall both keyboards are great and at a great price.
Best Microphone For Gaming Setup
Rode PodMic

Now moving on to the microphone of choice last month when I building a setup I broke my Shure SM7B and I switched to the Rode PodMic mine is in white and I honestly love the color and the sound is pretty good and if you’re wondering what it sounds like the voice recording below was recorded with the mic,
for me having a good mic is very important because I do a lot of voiceovers for all kinds of different videos for clients and on top of that I do stream from time to time. Mine is the XLR version and it sounds a lot better than a normal USB.
Most microphones don’t have a stand that comes with them and this is on to our next product the microphone stand if you don’t have a microphone stand in 2024 I have no idea what you’re doing basically this allows you to hold up your mic in a good position so that you can move it around and have it floating next to your face.
Best Microphone Stand Bar For Gaming Setup
- Rode PSA1
I have a Rode PSA1 in white and it does look really good in my setup it’s extremely functional. I can hold up heavier mics like the Shure 7B, the Rode PodMic, and the Blue Yeti and not have any issues at all it does come in at $129 but it is very high quality and heavy-duty for anybody’s desk.
Best Audio Interface For Gaming Setup
This next product is kind of Niche to people who work in media, this is the:
- RØDECaster Duo
It’s an audio interface that essentially allows you to plug your mic if you have an XLR or any other input right into it and you can control mic volume on the Fly, any game sound.
You can actually split it up and have different tracks especially like people talking in Discord if you want to turn them down right away you have a slider for that too and honestly out of all the different interfaces I’ve tried this one has to be my favorite and honestly it has a lot of features that I didn’t have before.
I’ve been testing them out slowly over the last couple months since I run a dual PC setup this made my life a ton easier, especially with audio setup and overall it has a ton of features to make your experience while gaming or recording or doing whatever just a way better one.
Vacuum Cleaner
ODISTAR Desktop Vacuum Cleaner
I guarantee you haven’t seen all of our desks get extremely dirty, especially with dust and I think I have found the fix for this the ODISTAR desktop vacuum cleaner. I know what you’re thinking what the heck do you need a vacuum cleaner for your desk? But trust me this is the best thing that I’ve bought.
It takes messes from my desk that are annoying to clean and makes it so easy by just hitting a button and putting the thing over it and it sucks it all up with ease. It’s extremely affordable at just $12 on Amazon. I think this is by far the best 12 bucks I’ve ever spent.